Growing Up in the Digital Age

I grew up in the 80’s/90’s. Lost somewhere between the Generation Xs and the Millennials. It was a strange time to come of age. I had my first beater car before I ever had a cell phone or an email address. My family didn’t have even have a computer in the house until I was 20…

Leaving the studio…

So, in less than a month, I will be leaving the studio where I’ve been working for almost 2 years. Before I started working here, I was in another studio. This time I am going out on my own. Not entirely alone, I will be working with a few other people, but I am out…

WordCamp Montreal 2013

Aside from the fact that WordPress is just generally kick-ass, WordCamp has this amazing ability to kick the motivation back into my life. At the 2013 Wordcamp, I brought my girlfriend for the first time. She’s a writer and I’m a designer so we both went with very different intentions and we both came out…

Gentle Bull Re-design

So, it’s been a while since I’ve updated my online presence so why not do it two-fold? Here’s the link to my new-and-improved site:

Les p’tites soirées d’sous-sol

I did my first photo exhibit in a long time last week. It was super fun and I was happy to be a part of it. Especially considering how talented the other photographers are. They made a video about it…

Why I love design

The other day I was working on a logo and my girlfriend was sitting next to me. I asked her for her opinion. “It looks great,” she says. I looked at it again, something wasn’t quite right. I moved one element, re-sized another and as she watched, her mouth dropped open. “THAT looks so much…

It’s been a while…

So, last March I sort of started a new full time job at a marketing agency and then promptly stopped updating my newly started blog. It was still too fresh to have gotten into a good routine of updating regularly, and with freelance projects taking up my nights and weekends, I had to let a…

The Gentle Bull is on the air!

So, finally, after weeks and weeks of re-sketching, re-designing, re-building, I’ve finally gotten my new portfolio and identity finished and online. I’ve been thinking about moving away from the image factory as an identity for a while. It was a long time, and I was pretty young when it started, and I felt like a…

Typography, my everlasting obsession

This movie is so beautiful, I have saved the link to it for years. For safe keeping I’m going to post it here. Every time I show this to people, they understand why it’s such an obsession with me. the most beautiful type animation Also, I was given the best book called, “Type. A Visual…

wordpress and the green (dinosaur) designer

Oh man, have I ever been in the dark over here.When I learned web design it was the dawn of 2.0 and I really had no idea of the huge impact this was going to have on the web. Vannevar Bush is most likely resting peacefully now. This is essentially the 21st century Memex. I…

Some of my favorite things…

I love lists. They help me feel that even amidst all the clutter and huge volume of information out there I can someday organize it all in my head. My very first blog is just going to be a collection of my favorite links right now so that I can keep them together and share…